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The Pros And Cons Of An Online Business Degree Program

After struggling through five years of college, I proudly graduated with not only my B.A. degree, but also a 20/20 hindsight reflection as to what was successful for me and what was distracting. Not surprisingly, the distractions also happened to be some of my favorite things about the college years. Living in the sorority house, staying out too late, the fact that work interfered with my class schedule, and just an overall struggle with balancing my daily academic responsibilities with what I really wanted to spend my time doing.
What I have concluded now that all is said and done? I should have switched from my traditional college setting to an online business degree program. My personality and lifestyle, like many others, respond much more positively to online independent study and there are quite a few reasons as to why.
While I was in college, I started to really pay attention to the TV commercials for higher education, dismissing my previous judgments that they were geared solely toward down & outers and deadbeats. Now suddenly it looked appealing. College wasn’t right for me. I had married my high school sweetheart and working full time was a necessity for both of us. I couldn’t just skip out on the weekly board meeting to go hang out in Accounting 101. Could an online business degree program be a reality? Is there a catch to it? Do employers really respect it as much as a regular, hard earned degree? Yes and no.

First of all, realize that while it is not regular, it is hard earned. Online degrees require a tremendous amount of discipline, since there is no professor in front of you on a daily basis, providing tutoring sessions and guidance on that upcoming assignment. Online degree candidates must be disciplined enough to carve out their own time for their education. It is not an easy fix. It is a lot of work.
Another downer to the online programs is that it comes with a pretty threatening price tag. Many colleges and universities made a huge investment in the birth of online degree programs. Because the majority of students still enroll in traditional desk time courses, colleges have but no choice to hike up online tuition enough to justify the program and make it profitable.

Of course, the price depends on the school that you are looking into enrolling, and many people will assure you that it is still a great idea. I can’t go to graduate school, and I don’t agree with the philosophy that when “life slows down” I can jump back into the academia life. Circumstances often change, but rarely slow down, and I am constantly battling my ambition and drive to accomplish all that I plan to at a young age.
With this being said, the online business program may or may not be for you. Look into financial aid, explore the sites, and make a decision that fits your lifestyle. If you are like me, then it just may work out. If you are the opposite, then it may be more worth your while to enroll in a traditional program. Either way, the educational system will embrace you, and thankfully so will employers. Recent studies show that an online business degree program is quickly enjoying more solid of a reputation and commanding more respect from hiring companies. In the next few years, the college experience and the “college experience” will be regarded as equals.
Don’t let the social stigmas of online degrees, or the hard work that is required scare you into making your decision. Rather be sure to explore and research the pros and cons as related to your own life. Pursue success, and in time success will surely come to you.

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