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Every Life Coach, Teacher, Counselor And Psychotherapist Must Be Able To Answer This Question

In the resolution of any problem it is always about the question. In other words the question is not…What is the answer to this problem, the question is…What is the question that will resolve this problem?
To fully appreciate why this is true you must first understand some of the basics of the subconscious. The first question in regard to the subconscious is “Do you ask yourself questions?” Yes. You begin the process of asking yourself questions as soon as you get up every morning. You ask yourself questions like…What do I need to do today, what am I going to wear, what calls or emails do I need to return?
The next question is…Does the subconscious work on questions when you are not consciously involved? Yes. If you have ever asked yourself the question…What is that person’s name? It may take an hour, a day or even a week but at a time when you are not even thinking about it the person’s name will come popping into your head. This is because the subconscious was working on the question even when you were not consciously involved. This process happens with every question you ask yourself.
Why is this important? It is important because the subconscious has very little response to a statement but you will always force your subconscious to move in a direction you wish if you ask a question. Now that you understand the effect of a question on the subconscious how much of a difference do you think will be between these two questions…What is the answer to this as opposed to…What is the question that will resolve this problem?
If indeed you understand and agree that the subconscious does work on questions when you are not consciously involved what results do you think will be produced from these two questions? The first question is ambiguous and the subconscious will treat it as such. The second question will generate questions that will lead you to a resolution to your problem.
As a Life Coach, Psychotherapist, Teacher or Counselor your objective is to guide people through a resolution of their problems. A significant number of these problems if not all will involve a change in the emotional state and behavior of your client. This leads us to the most fundamental question for helping your clients resolve their problem and that is…What determines human behavior? Can you be effective in helping your client without first answering this question? Possibly you can if you are a good at guessing because if you can not answer this question that is all you will be able to do.
Once you have a clear definitive answer to this question you can begin the process of empowering your clients and students to move toward their goals and making the changes necessary to achieve them.