Why this trend in male plastic surgery in spite of how much plastic surgery costs? All you need to do these days is turn on the television and you are bombarded by sexy, toned bodies and weight loss ads. Go to any major restaurant, order something swimming in cheese, and see how many dirty looks you’ll get when the waiter brings your plate. Thin is in and no one wants to look over thirty anymore. Gone are the days of the distinguished older gentlemen, and the women who love them.
Most men will readily admit that they have undergone plastic surgery to attract the opposite sex. Older men tend to want younger women and therefore feel the need to compete with their younger counterparts. Plastic surgery helps to level the playing field, as it were. In addition, due to the health kick that has taken over in the past few years, men are living longer and working longer. Plastic surgery allows them to keep looking strong and vitalized in the workplace.
The most common plastic surgery procedures among men are liposuction, wrinkle removal and, of course, hair transplants. The popularity of these procedures has actually served to bring down plastic surgery costs. This is because an increasing number of doctors are choosing to specialize in the field, so there is a wider fold to choose from. That doesn’t mean that plastic surgery costs next to nothing just yet. The more detailed and potentially dangerous the surgery, the higher the cost.
Liposuction, for example, can cost anywhere from $3000 to $6000. Facelifts can cost as much as $15000. It is clear that plastic surgery costs are not low, but they are by no means extravagantly expensive. In today’s youth oriented society, many men no longer shy away from discussing plastic surgery and openly admit to having procedures done. Perhaps this is one area where the sexes are actually heading towards equality.