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How To Keep A "long Distance Love" Alive

The hardest love to fall for is long distance
love. Relationships are hard work, but when you
add distance between the two of you it can become
even more complicated. Long distance
relationships are quite common these days as the
Internet brings people together from all over the
Being in a long distance relationship can be very
difficult and confusing. All relationships take
work, but long distance relationships take a bit
more work in the way of communication, compromise,
and understanding. Many people believe that long
distance relationships cannot work. It's true
that a large number of long distance
relationships fail, but this is true of
relationships that do not deal with distance as
Long distance romances can work; they just need a
little extra effort and some planning. What many
people don’t realize is there are many benefits
to being in a long distance romance. When you
understand how fortunate you are to have someone
at the other end, willing to go the distance, you
won’t waste another minute pining away for your
The truth is, long distance relationships, like
all relationships come in many shapes and sizes.
There are challenges to maintaining a long
distance relationship to the satisfaction of both
Long distance relationships involves two people
who share an interest in each other lives, care
for one another and of course have a love for
each other that they hope will only continue to
grow. On the other hand, a long distance
relationship requires a special willingness and
understanding that can test love like no other
type of relationship can. It requires constant
communication and a desire to continually create
your relationship, using the only real tool you
have... your words
The most difficult thing to deal with in a long
distance relationship is the most obvious thing:
the distance. Here are some ways to endure the
long distance: play cards or games over the
internet or watch a movie "together" by renting
the same movie, start at the same time and
talking on the phone, made gifts for each other,
create a list of things to do together, send lots
of cards and e-cards.
This will definitely help to make your
relationship work.
One of the first keys to success in a long
distance relationship is effective communication.
It is important for both persons to feel that
they are an active part of the others' life. This
is best accomplished through communication. Email,
web cams, and digital pictures can diminish
distances, but nothing replaces the intimacy of
hearing your partner's voice. No relationship
lasts without communication. Pick up the phone
every day and chat with your partner for 15
minutes, at least. Just let them know that you're
thinking about them and you miss them. Everyone
loves this.
Long distance relationships can work; it just
takes the commitment of both people for it to
last. Both people involved have to be committed
to communication, whether it is through the phone,
through emails or written letters. Communication
is something we all take for granted when we are
in the presence of one another, but when you are
dealing with a long distance relationship you do
not have the benefit of body language to help
guide you. Communication is the key to making
these relationships work.
Trusting the person at the other end of a long
distance relationship can be difficult. People
often have a hard time believing the words that
are passed along during phone conversations if
they can't actually see the source, or unless
they truly trust the source. Without trust and
honesty, the relationship is in danger just as it
would be any other relationship. By accepting the
challenge of a long distance relationship, you
also accepted the fact that you will have to have
the trust and faith that your partner will not be
seeing anyone else as promised.
Photos are very important. Since you two can't be
together physically, photos will have to work.
Take some fun photos of yourself and send them,
sealed with a kiss, to your honey.
Also, to keep your magic love alive, plan a visit.
Promise that you will visit her and keep that
promise. This will make her feel happy.
There are days when you feel lonely. There are
moments when you long for a touch instead of a
call. Still, you bond endures. Whether separated
by an ocean or an outlook, the shortest distance
between two hearts, it is said, is love.

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