Cardio exercise help you lose weight, lower your chance of heart attack, lower blood pressure, improve your mood and lower stress levels. Cardio exercise should be done about five times per week for maximum results. If you can’t do cardio five times per week, you should still try to fit it in three times per week as this will still benefit you greatly. You should chose a type of exercise that you enjoy, since if you chose something you find boring, chances are you won’t stick with it. Good ideas for cardio exercises include biking, walking, jogging, playing tennis, playing basketball, skating, inline skating, swimming, skiing and team sports. You can also use cardio as a type of functional exercise. This means instead of driving to the grocery store, try walking instead. This way you aren’t going out of you’re way to fit in exercise, but you are still reaping the benefits. You should try to do cardio for at least half an hour, and try to make sure you raise your heart rate a little.
Before engaging in any type of exercise, you should get a complete physical examination to make sure you aren’t suffering from heart disease or some other type of illness. After your doctor gives you the ok to start exercising, start out slow and work your way up. And remember, exercise should be fun and enjoyable.