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Selling Photographs - How To Be Lucrative!

As a photographer are you just simply selling photographs? Would you like to expand your whole selling photography business model? What about building a photo business that's super profitable and lucrative?
You may be saying... "how can I become more lucrative then?" Well, we'll discuss some lucrative ideas but first let's start with how people see you.
Often people will first see you as a photographer (or see the photographic work you create). If they like what you do, it makes good business sense to make sure that your first 'lucrative' step is to get your 'interested' customer to opt in to your own newsletter or photo list...
That way you can keep in touch with your customer for life.
It's possible too, that your customer is interested in learning how you 'do what you do.' (Why not offer them an e-course, or e-book on how you take your photos and create your own unique photo style, or how you go about selling photographs your way).
Not only are you providing a visual stimulus (your own photography) but you're also helping them improve their own passion or photo style.
Of course they might also have a fascination or enthusiasm for learning and reading everything about photography or art. Other lucrative steps you could take might be to pitch affiliated products on your website, run Google Adsense, write reviews that promote your own work (or other related digital photography products).
You really can be, as a photographer, lucrative, and you should keep this healthy aim in mind. After all, the more income you can generate, the more creativity you can contribute to the world, whether that be through photography or other creative processes.
But how can you be more lucrative?
There's different approaches to take, all depending on your aims and desires. One sure way to be lucrative is by modeling or emulating the successful photographers. It's said success leaves clues, so why not research diligently and observe the way other photographers have 'monetized' their sites with a mix of photography and other income generators.
Look at website styles and approaches you like best. Take note of the web site address (URL) and visit repeatedly to get a feel of the way their website works or changes over time.
Then think about these points: How do they communicate to their viewers? Do they have an email newsletter list? What's compelling about their photography website? How did you find their site online? Did you search for information using unique keywords or follow a link from another site? Can you spot how they have monetized their site?
You can see how I have used a variety of monetization methods, not just selling photographs, but subtle web site advertising, opt in email list, and other related photo products which I can earn commissions from at my digital photo site:
So learn from the winners. Think about what "success clues" grabbed you, and then go to it.
And remember, one of the most important, lucrative, selling photographs action steps you can take (for those who are really serious) is to build your own list of customers (or fan base) and get to know them and help them achieve their dreams.
Copyright Martin Hurley 2007

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