The first thing that you will need for your horse is a home. This may be a stable or a paddock. If you do not have somewhere large enough for your horse to live at your house, you may want to consider agistment or a place that rents out stables or land for horses to live. You will need to keep your horse’s home clean by removing his droppings daily for stables and weekly for pasture.
There are also many daily responsibilities that you will have as an owner. The first is feeding your horse. If you have it in a stable, you will need to feed it grains and chaff, as well as hay and make the stable comfortable for it by providing sawdust or hay for bedding. Horses also need large amounts of fresh clean drinking water. You will need to check the water you provide for your horse regularly during the day to make sure it has plenty and has not tipped it over or drank it all.
Horses also need to have regular exercise and plenty of love and attention. Make the time with your horse enjoyable by giving it a good brushing before and after you ride it. Offer affection and yummy treats such as apples or sugar cubes to encourage it to think of you as his friend. By making friends with your horse, it will try even harder to please you.
Do not forget to clean under your horses feet with a hoof pick daily, as well as before and after you ride it to make sure that it has not picked up a rock in his hoof as this will make it lame. You will also need to have his hooves trimmed by a farrier every 8 weeks to keep its feet from getting cracked, sore or overgrown.
Your horse will need to be wormed regularly and just like people horses need to have regular checkups from a vet, even if they are not sick, to make sure that they are healthy. If you have any concerns about your horse or what to feed it or how often, your vet will also be able to help you.
During winter, you may need to provide a rug for your horse, especially if the winter months are particularly cold. Horses that are in stables will also need to have rugs for the night as they can not move around to keep warm.
As you have read, one of the most important things that you will need is time. The time needed to take care of your horse properly and train it to do the things that you want it to do. When you are able to be patient and gentle with your horse, it will be the best friend that you ever had.
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