Every person has a freedom of choice, but the question is will this choice be easy or right? Strong personality will never pick the easy way if it will appear to misleading. A weak personality will do everything to postpone the solution of the problem. Alcohol or the “spirits” is something that may make the world look different and friendlier for an hour or so. If that is the example of a weakness of a grown up, you can imagine, how much more impressible a teenager is. There are a couple reasons for a teenager to take a glass or two and repeat the procedure even more often than a grown up. First of all, they might be following an example of parents that have this problem within the family and consider it ok when their child drinks spirits right in front of them. Parents might not even know or care what happens even more often, than be alcohol addicted themselves. The situation in the family may be built on complete ignorance of every member as soon as it doesn’t harm anybody but the individual rebelling. The “rebelling individual” is usually a teenager that requires attention of parents that for some reason can not give it t the fullest. Another reason may be to show off, to be different, not like others that look so boring and so not fun. And another one that is called the “adult reason” is the desire to escape from the harshness of reality by means of drinking.
This is a serious problem that the government and social organizations can not fight alone. If the society realizes the importance of the cure from alcoholic addiction, then the lifestyle of the society will change for better.