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Paul Mccartney Tickets - See An Icon Return To The Stage

Paul McCartney tickets, in one form or another, have been available for decades. McCartney’s life is one of the most interesting in the music world, and his music is revered. Even now, as he nears his mid-60’s, McCartney still draws a huge crowd wherever he plays, which is why the music world is once again abuzz in his regard, as he’s hitting the stage once again. A look at his life will help to explain how he became such an icon.
Early Life
James Paul McCartney was born in Liverpool, England on June 18, 1942. His lifestyle was anything but extravagant as a child, as his mother was a midwife and his father made even less money working at a cotton company. However, McCartney did get to experience the “other side” of life, as his mother’s jobs allowed the family to live in the homes where she worked. This exposure would have a lasting effect on McCartney’s view of life.
McCartney was an intelligent child, as he was one of the few children who passed an entrance exam that allowed him to enroll at the highly-respected Liverpool Institute, where he would meet someone who would play a large role in his life - George Harrison, who rode the bus to school with him and lived one block away from McCartney at the time.
McCartney was also exposed to music early, as a long line of relatives were musical by nature. His father was a trumpet and piano player who had his own jazz band. His grandfather played in a brass band, and these interests led Paul’s father to bring Paul to several concerts of different genres as a child.
McCartney encountered struggle and tragedy early in life, however, as his mother passed way from breast cancer when Paul was only 14, and it hit him hard. He decided to throw himself into music on an even deeper level, and he wanted to learn the guitar. He traded his trumpet that his father had given him for a guitar, and he still owns his first guitar today.
Musical Career
As Paul entered his teen-aged years, he began to play local music competitions, which is where he met someone named John Lennon. McCartney and Lennon instantly found common musical ground, and they began to play in a series of small bands. This led to the ultimate formation of some band called the Beatles, and all they were was the hottest-selling rock and roll band of all-time.
After an historic ten-year run with the Beatles, Paul decided to venture out on his own. Given his fame, Paul McCartney tickets were instantly in demand, and his first solo album, McCartney, was released within weeks of the Beatles’ split. McCartney eventually settled in with a new band, which he called Wings, and his future wife Linda was the keyboard player. Wings was a smashing success as well, producing 15 albums over the next ten years and selling millions of records worldwide.
In 1980, Paul decided to work as a solo artist exclusively after another run of ten years with Wings. He has released dozens of albums, and his singing and songwriting skills have never waned.
Personal Life
McCartney’s personal life was filled with happiness and tragedy. He was married to Linda for 30 years, and it was a happy time in his life. However, breast cancer once again reared its ugly head into Paul’s life, as it claimed Linda as a victim in 1998.
Paul later married model Heather Mills in 2002, and they had a child together. Once again, though, tragedy struck as the two separated and moved towards a divorce in 2006. The divorce proceedings got nasty early, and the ultimate solution will leave a lasting emotional scar on both parties.
Overall, McCartney’s accomplishments and talents could fill its own entire series of books. He remains a social crusader for many causes, and he is still active on the music scene. Paul McCartney tickets are a chance to see not only a musical, but a cultural and historical icon.

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