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Installing A Blog ( Wordpress )

WordPress is a fantastic piece of software, and what is even more amazing its Open Source, meaning it will cost you NOTHING!! And you get the source code too !!
Although its not one of the easiest software packages to learn to navigate, it sure packs heaps of power under the hood and once you start to learn some of the basics of WordPress and blogging in general, you will begin to appreciate these features more and more.
There are 2 ways to install WordPress.
1. You can visit and download the full application here, and then manually install it on your server. If you do go down this path, then make sure you check out the following installation guides
WordPress’s Famous 5 Minute Installation guide (check it out at
But an even easier way to install Wordpress is to install it using Fantastico that is included with just about every cPanel installation on the planet.
You can log into your cPanel application, and at the bottom of all the icons you see on the main startup page is an icon with a “funny” name called FANTASTICO
Fantastico is way to install all sort of open source application on your server for FREE.
Find the WordPress link on the left hand side of the screen (in the blogs section), and click on it.
Then move across to the right hand side of the screen an click on the word that say “New Installation” - It actually a link but it doesn’t have an underline under it.
This pops up a very simple form (and the only form you have to fill out).
Put in your blog details, like what you are going to call it, what you want as login details plus a few other bits and pieces and press the button at the bottom.
Within seconds, you will be taken to another page that will show you the login details for your blog and away you go..
It just could not be easier way to install WordPress..
No messing about with databases, no FTP’ing files back and forth and no messing about setting file permission etc.
It sure is easy.. Check it out..

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