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Time Management For First-year University Students

Ever run out of time for something that needed to be done?
If you answered yes, perhaps you had trouble managing your time properly. Time management can teach you how to make the most of your time.
Time management is one of the most important skills for university students. You should be very busy with your studies while, at the same time, balancing it with an on-campus social life.
You have been admitted to the school of your choice, with hopes of meeting new friends and finding success in your classes.

Getting into college is the easy part, but the hard part would be finishing it in one piece. College can be fun but at the same time frustrating, especially if your professors are being difficult or too strict. You may have thought some of these things when you first visited your university’s campus:
• I am overwhelmed. This is too much.
• The campus is so big, how will I ever find my way around?
• Okay, now I am a college student. Now what happens?
Surviving college is not just about how intelligent you are. It is not about how high you scored on standardized tests or admissions exams, and it is not entirely about classes and studying. People need to socialize; it’s part of their human nature. College does allow you to interact, but you must also study.
It is important that you balance your time between studying and socializing. Some college students study themselves to the point of fatigue, but then some of them do not pass their classes due to stress. Other college students think of the university as one endless party.
Some students do not appreciate the importance of socialization, and others do not value the importance of their education.

You may be an intellect but it is not the only key to success in college. What is the secret to collegiate success?
Time management is vital.
College requires you to balance your life. You have to manage everything, such as class preparation, studying, campus organization activities, spending time with friends, eating healthy, exercising, and sleeping.
Time management is not solely about studying, but also the attentiveness on relieving the stress of college life.
Here are some ways that you can effectively manage your precious time:
• Learn to prioritize. Once you are focused on the goals you wish to achieve, you must prioritize the activities required to reach the goal. That will help you determine what particular task needs to be accomplished first and what tasks can be reserved for the future. To accomplish your goals more efficiently, try to mark deadlines on your calendar.
• Try to set goals. Know what you want to achieve and make those achievements your priority. That could be anything, whether you want to achieve the goal in a day, a week, a month, or a semester. Determine what your academic goal should be.
Making goals could make it simpler for you to concentrate; instead of juggling subjects that you think are easy, it could be very stressful and often results in failing to achieve your goal.
If you have more than one goal, it is wise to separate them into more manageable sections. Make a list of what you want to achieve for one week and for following weeks.
• Use extra time constructively. As an example, instead of doing nothing before class while waiting for the professor to arrive, try to think of the latest class assignment. If you are assigned to write an essay or research paper, use the time to think of a good topic for it.
It is a fantastic way to portion your time into manageable pieces, and great time saver. It also allows you more time to spend time with your friends. When it comes to finishing tasks, sooner is always better than later.
• Time management planning is available for you to use to your advantage. Do not squander the resources and methods or available to you. The key to time management planning is carrying out the plans. Some college students get easily swayed by friends to attend a party while the student should be studying or otherwise in the process of achieving the established goals.
Oftentimes, students think that they can put off the agenda until tomorrow. Doing so often results in too many things to do the next day, resulting in stress and frustration.
You may have thought that each day is too short for you to finish all your work, and you may wish that there were more hours in a day. Those wishes are impossible. Therefore, the best course of action is to make use of what little time you do have.
Establish a time management schedule to simplify priorities, and to avoid being stressed out from trying to accomplish everything at once.

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