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What Day Job? New Gaming Trend Means Users Can Live Off Their Console

The gaming industry is bigger than ever and as such so are the opportunities to make a living from gaming. In Korea, gaming competitions are beginning to take on some of the stature of major league sports and as the West follows suit, the chance for players to earn a wage from their console becomes evermore a reality. co-founder Francesco Albamonte states "If people are good they can make money. It’s as simple as that. As long as they have a venue to play from their only limitation is their skill."
Skill based gaming online has, until now, mostly been limited to casual games and traditional board games but as technology improves and console gamers demand more venues for their style of gaming, ever increasing avenues are opening up. With some console tournaments giving prizes in the thousands, it might be time to rethink your stance on video games.
China already recognize gaming as a sport with 50 million serious video gamers in China alone and to coincide with the Olympics, GGL Global Gaming are holding the ‘Digital Games’ and are expecting more visitors and entrants than the Olympics themselves.
"This really shows how far competitive gaming has come," states Albamonte "and with the exposure the Olympics are going to get it’s inevitable that some of that focus will be on competitive gaming."
For all those unable to attend the ‘Digital Games’ this year, websites such as should keep your skills polished and hopefully line your pockets ready for the next one in London in 2012.

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