How Many Tons?
Ton size is a question that is two fold. Log splitters are measured in ton capacity. A professional grade splitter is at least 20 tons, and those for home and personal use generally are in the 2-5 ton range. This also determines the horsepower of the engine. A much stronger engine is needed in order to not burn out after hundreds of logs.
The first question then to address is will your log splitter be used for personal firewood consumption or furniture making, or are you splitting logs for commercial building or firewood sales. That will determine the horsepower and ton size you need.
What Else Can I Do With A Log Splitter?
A log splitter makes the job of splitting firewood easier. That’s quite obvious. But log splitters have more uses than just getting firewood ready.
Forestry suppliers for example will use the log splitter as the first step into making wood planking or even getting logs ready for paper making. This kind of logging equipment can be used right at the forest site to manage trees for transport and prepare the wood for specific end uses. Following log splitter plans, this on site step is an important time saver – which translates into monetary savings, of course.
So other than stocking your firewood rack, a hydraulic log splitter can become an important log furniture tool. There is a high demand for the rustic look of “cabin” furnishings and back-to-nature décor.
Log splitters, even a used log splitter can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousands of dollars. So the next determination is how valuable is your time? If you can split 10 logs an hour the old fashioned way and your time at your “day job” is paid at a rate of $50 per hour, you have just “hired” yourself a very well paid log splitter! On the other hand, a hydraulic log splitter in the 4 ton range is capable of splitting ten times the number of logs per hour. Now that’s what I’d call “cheap help!”
Then there is the issue of safety. The self lubricating and maintaining capabilities of these log splitters keep them operating safely. An axe needs regular sharpening as it can get dull hitting the dirt, or get dangerously close to hitting legs!
What it all comes down to it that safety, time, and convenience are all worth more than a stoic attempt to warm yourself the old fashioned way. Even the average homeowner who lights a fire in the fireplace for aesthetics more than heat, will benefit from quickly stocking the wood pile using a gas powered hydraulic log splitter.