Gross Archive

It's A Dog's Life

What do we mean when we say “Oh, It’s a Dog’s Life”?
Maybe it’s because the ideal dog’s life is to have nothing more than a warm bed, to be fed regularly, and know that there is at least one human who cares and loves them. Or, is it that some dog’s are left out in the cold... literally!
Knowing that you care for them, your dog is always delighted to welcome you home. A happy face, a wagging tail, in fact his whole body movement cry out “Hi, I’m so pleased to see you!”
When it comes to the sleeping arrangements, some dog owners may allow them to sleep in the same room. This suits a dog just fine, since dogs are pack animals and sleeping in the same area keeps the pack together.
In today’s society, dog’s have become completely dependent on the human family. When treated properly, they will give total loyalty and so much more in return.
They need to know who is the leader or “Alpha Dog”. This is important to a pack animal, since he will naturally try to be number-one, which can become an ongoing battle if not confronted as a puppy.
Owning a pet is a lifetime commitment and not a decision to be taken lightly. This could be compared to raising children, which is always for better or worse... and definitely does not involve a local shelter after a few months.
Always think about your decision thoroughly beforehand. It is not good enough to claim that you don’t want them any more or just plain changed your mind. Make very sure you know what you are letting yourself in for and how much your life WILL change!
A pet dog can improve your life in many ways, both mentally and physically. Having a dog around is a great way to relax when you’re feeling tense or stressed. They seem to know when you are feeling low and try their best to help.
Take them for a long walk or go and play ball in the park. The fresh air will do you both the world of good, it will clear your thoughts and take way the stress of the day. Watch your dog play with vigor and vitality, with not a care in the world, except to please their master.
Feeling lonely or depressed? Your dog is more tuned into you than you think and will be a faithful devoted friend. They will sense how you are feeling and try to let you know that you’re not alone... in their own dog-like way!
With a dog around, there will always be those magical moments to remember, Maybe it’s their mannerisms or antics that bring a smile to your face and ultimately a warm glow in your heart.
They find it easy to break the ice when meeting strangers... without speaking a word! Treating them with love and respect means they will communicate with us easily, forging a bond of unconditional trust.
Observing and learning about that special bond, allows you to understand the precious gift of friendship they have to offer.
Respectful training needs to start from day one and they will grow to be a happy, contented and loyal companion for years to come. You will become all that matters to them and they will be a pleasure to have around, mixing well within the community and loved by all.
Then there is the other end of the scale. This is where a dog’s life can be very unhappy and very miserable... not loved or cared for properly. Be honest, we’ve all seen dog’s that are poorly kept. They are the ones living out their life on the end of a chain in a cold lonely backyard with the occasional scraps thrown out for them!
Their life is a sad continuous “yearning” to have companionship, kindness, love and care. Their lack of training and control leaves them totally confused, not sure who is boss or even what is expected of them. Just think, next time you hear a dog barking endlessly, it’s their cry of sadness, loneliness and a plea for help... all they want is to be part of that home’s “human pack”.
A dog asks for nothing more than being our best friend and to make our life a better one. They don’t know or ask why... they just do!
So, when considering buying that dog, remember to take him into your family in the true sense and be his best friend... because he will certainly be yours!!
Now, back to that statement, ”Oh, it’s a dog’s life?” Maybe it’s as simple as this... knowing your place in life, leads to contentment... given the opportunity, your dog will show you how with ease!

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