Often mistaken for a steroid, Clenbuterol is widely used by athletes and bodybuilders. Internet has become very popular way of buying clenbuterol. Clenbuterol, by acting as repartitioning agent, becomes useful to the bodybuilders. The drug effectively reduces the body fat and increases the overall muscle mass. However, Clenbuterol does have side effects. The most common side effects of Clenbuterol include cramping of muscles while many people also experience heart problems. Thus it is very important to consult doctor before buying clenbuterol. Self medicating or using steroids or any drug without doctor’s supervision is very dangerous. Thus, it is better to get educated about clenbuterol before buying clenbuterol.
After buying clenbuterol, the users should learn the way of using Clenbuterol. The users should begin a cycle by weaning themselves onto the required dosage and then weaning themselves off at the end of cycle. Clenbuterol cycle length maximum is of 3 weeks on followed by 3 weeks off. Woman can take 40-80 mcg each day and men can take 60-160 mcg each day. Do not proceed directly to maximum dosage without beginning off on low dosages, this can cause shock to your system.
You will feel the drug working in your body after you start taking clenbuterol. Your heart rate will increase and the blood pressure will also rise. You will feel like your body is working harder. As you get 2-3 days into your cycle, you should start feeling the drug working less, and then you can add an extra 20 mcg to your daily dosage. Buying clenbuterol requires you to have proper knowledge about the drug. Clenbuterol should be taken once a day, in morning. Clenbuterol remains active for about 24 hours; there is no need to take more than one dose.
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