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UK Warns Against Teeth Whitening

UK Warns Against Teeth Whitening
Citizens of the United Kingdom are being warned about some of the teeth whitening methods that are offered to them at a discount price. None of them have to do with a professional dentist or cosmetic dentist doing the teeth whitening procedure, rather they are warning about certain products and methods used by non professionals that can harm not only your teeth but the patient as well.
What is the Bleaching Agent in Question?
The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry is worried about a bleaching agent that is harmful to those that use it. It is said that this bleach whitening method can harm tooth enamel. The substance in question is called chlorine dioxide. It is typically used to bleach water and is said to be extremely acidic.
They are also advising against using hydrogen peroxide that has strength over the legal limit as well. Both of these teeth whitening agents have the capacity to ruin the enamel of one’s teeth if not worse consequences instead of doing the job that was expected.
Don’t Go To Beauty Salon to Have Teeth Whitening Performed
Also worrisome to the Academy are beauty salons that are offering cheap teeth whitening procedures to their customers. The staff hired to do the teeth whitening is often untrained and do not check for pre-existing dental problems such as gum disease or gingivitis. The mouth can suffer from burns, especially the soft tissue of the cheeks if not applied correctly and in the right doses. This is against the law in the United Kingdom and if you should see a salon offering teeth whitening services without a cosmetic dentist on staff you are advised to report them immediately.
Only dentists are qualified to carry out teeth whitening procedures that involve bleaching agents, and anyone that is not a trained, accredited dentist is breaking the law if they are performing teeth whitening procedures on the unsuspecting public.
Three clinics that have been sited for doing illegal teeth whitening were using chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide that were above the legal limits. These clinics also advertised teeth whitening using a laser and their method was said to have no effect on discolored or yellow teeth at all.

These three clinics are just a few of the seventy other venues that are currently under investigation by the General Dental Council. Though the prices they offer are quite attractive, the person doing the procedure often has little or no training and you just might end up with chemical burns in your mouth or looking worse than you did when you walked in.
Is Teeth Whitening Unsafe?
There are a myriad of people that want to have their teeth whitened, and when it is done with the proper chemicals by a trained professional results can be dramatic. Most teeth whitening procedures are done at a dentist’s office and results can be seen after just one treatment.
It is also the safest way to get your teeth whitened as you can be assured that the person doing the procedure is licensed and knows what they are doing. Your teeth are important, and with the rise in the number of people desiring to have teeth whitening procedures performed, it is more important than ever that the public is made aware of dangerous practices by other, non trained individuals offering a bargain for an otherwise expensive procedure.
So if you really want a whiter and brighter smile, compare prices from a real dentist that is a member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry so you can be sure that the person doing this potentially unsafe procedure is using proper methods and chemicals in order for your teeth to shine.