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The Weight Loss Cure

Through 30 years of international research and solid documentation, Dr. Simeons learned how to correct the slow metabolism with the administration of hCG.
Dr. Simeons discovered that with the administration of 125-200 units of hCG a day, along with a special 500 calorie diet, he was curing obesity in virtually ALL of his patients.
hCG is a hormone that is derived from pregnant women's urine. It is first created by the embryo and then later by the placenta.
Royalty and the wealthy alike paid Dr. Simeons upwards of $20,000 per treatment in order to keep this protocol a secret, reserved only for the rich and famous in hisanti-aging clinic in Rome.
(Kits are available now at
Now, through the courage and connections of Kevin Trudeau, that this secret is finally being brought to light in his New York Times Bestseller, "The Weight Loss Cure."
Obesity is a very spread problem nowadays and people all around the world are searching for solutions, whether they activate in health clubs, follow diets or other methods in order to lose weight and lead a healthier life.
The variety of solutions found does not mean that others do not appear day by day. One of them is the new book of Mr. Trudeau about weight loss. His main idea, presented in the book, is that the pharmaceutical companies prescribe medications, while other treatments can be as or more viable for certain conditions. This idea is not new, indeed, but the method he describes in his book may be a solution for weight loss. He describes in his writings home remedies and holistic treatments that can be used successfully today, as they have been for thousands of years.
Mr. Trudeau is known for his actions against treatments based on pills or diet and against the overuse of prescriptions of medication by the pharmaceutical companies. In his book about weight loss, he presents people another method for obtaining better and healthier results in their fight against obesity. He proved that his treatment is right by applying it to himself and losing weight.
His results were great, once he started the treatment described in his book. In six weeks, he lost no less that 45 pounds, and that, without any exercise. What happened was that his eating routine dramatically changed. In fact, this is the idea presented in the book: that you can look weight by following the instructions and your metabolism increase in the same time as the appetite decreases. The results cannot be denied. Mr. Trudeau looks a lot younger and healthier and thinner since the beginning of applying the treatment he is preaching about.
Many of you have tried a lot of recipes and treatments to no avail. This book may be the right answer for you. Anyhow, as with any other diet or treatment, consult with your doctor first as such a drastic change in your weight may trigger some health issues. Mr. Trudeau has tried many different diet and weight loss programs, but he always experienced a loss of weight followed by a gain of weight, so with no positive results.
If you are looking for an answer to your problem, maybe this book is the key. Read it and maybe this will work for you better than any of the other weight loss plans you tried so far. "The Weight Loss Cure" by Kevin Trudeau.
"The Weight Loss Cure Kits" are now available for instant purchase at Lose 43 pounds in 43 days. Kits come in 23 day and 43 day segments. If you need to lose more than 43 pounds, then you should skip a day a week of treatment. Mixing instructions for the product as well as Dr. Simeons' Weight Loss Manuals are available on the site. Come and experience what thousands have already experienced in massive weight loss WITHOUT the surgury!

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