The latest statistics show that muscle relaxant addiction is still far from being considered a rampant social problem. But if not addressed properly, it can be a serious concern in the not-to-distant future. While there are some pain killing drugs available in the market, these are thought to be too mild to generate the addictive “buzz” that addicts crave for. According to some reports, there are some more potent muscle relaxant drugs being tested out that might be made available without a doctor's prescription. If that is the case, then the number might increase.
Another factor to consider might be that some people addicted to pain killers might actually be unaware that they are developing an addiction, or are actually hooked on drugs. Denial is actually one of the strongest characteristics among people with substance abuse problems. Persons addicted to narcotics or prescription medication slide down gradually, only to find themselves emotionally, psychologically, and physically bound to excessive drug use.
Since these medications can be used either on a regular basis or whenever the patient needs them, it can be difficult to determine if someone is using them irregularly or has developed a dependency. The easiest way to tell would be to know doses taken each day. The larger the doses taken regularly, the faster that a user can develop dose tolerance which can lead to a progressively larger intake of the drug.
Substance abuse, including the unregulated intake of pain killers, is a problem that should concern everyone. If left unattended, it can be next major problem for law enforcement. Fortunately, majority of pain killers are still prescription drugs that cannot be obtained without approval from a doctor or licensed pain therapist. Still, adequate attention must be made on just how many patients are prescribed with pain killing products, how much is now being consumed in the market, and by whom. The right to maintain privacy when it comes to receiving medication is important. However, taking steps to prevent a good thing, such as the availability of drugs to help patients in great pain, to turn into a negative thing that turns these very same drugs into substances that actually control instead of bringing more pain over the long haul.
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