Obiaks Blog

Sexually Addicted? 10 Important Questions to Ask

There are many things in our culture that grab us and won't let go. Sometimes sex is one of them. Perhaps that's the case for you or your spouse/partner.
Sexual addiction plays a prominent role in the "I Can't Say No" kind of extramarital affair I outline in my E-book, "Break Free From the Affair."
These questions are intended to help you be more aware of some behaviors that perhaps indicate that sex has a hold on you. If you answer yes to three or more questions it probably is wise to take a closer look at the place of sex in your life.
1) Do I have sex at inappropriate times, inappropriate places and/or with the wrong people?
2) Do I make promises to myself or rules for myself concerning my sexual behavior that I find I cannot follow?
3) Have I lost count of the number of sexual partners I've had in the past 3 years?
4) Do I have sex regardless of the consequences (e.g. the threat of being caught, the risk of contracting herpes, gonorrhea, AIDS, etc.)?
5) Do I feel uncomfortable about my masturbation, the fantasies I engage in, the props I use, and/or the places in which I do it?
6) Do I feel jaded, exhausted, cynical? Am I on the path to that?
7) Do I feel that my life is unmanageable because of my sexual behavior?
8) Do I have sex as a way to deal with or escape from life's problems? DoI feel entitled to sex? Do I feel as though I have earned sex?
9) Do I have a serious relationship threatened or destroyed because of outside sexual activity on my part?
10) Do I feel that my sexual life affects my spiritual life in a negative way?
For more information on sexual addiction and infidelity, visit my site.