During dating, when you are asking for a date, that magnetic pull has to be present in the beginning. Without that pull no date will get finalized. If you feel revulsion, you will surely not agree for the date. How to develop the magnetic attraction so that you get the first date? Things can go forward only after you get the first date. The question here is how to develop magnetic attraction.
Surly, you do not know about what quality of yours may attract the girl or boy towards you. So the best bet is it develop all the qualities and eliminate all those qualities that may produce any revulsion. Wherever you are not sure be neutral. Let me explain further.
If you see me laughing and find that my teeth are dirty or having stains, surely you will hate that. If you talk to me and sense bad odor, surely you will turn back. It is also true for body odor. Watching my nails, you would surely want to see well-manicured nails, and not dirty nails without shape. You may get shocked if you find me wearing clothes having weird color combination. There are so many areas where we should take care and present ourselves as a perfect specimen. Keep a bunch of good jokes ready. Jokes can break any barrier. Avoid all criticism. Avoid political talk. Avoid everything that may immediately provoke a reaction. The formula for the magnetic attraction is simple - Enhance all that is positive, eliminate all negatives and wherever unsure, adopt neutral attitude. Add in lots of confidence and you are through.