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Getting The Skinny On Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is becoming a normal practice for many people, almost to the point that it’s like going to the dentist. However this does not mean all is well in this cosmetic candy land. Yes, plastic surgery is very common and you have lots of doctors and surgical choices available to you, but there are other factors one needs to think about before making their way to the doctor’s office. Along with deciding on the right doctors and particular surgical procedure you want done; it would be wise to contemplate if the risks are worth the potential results.
When you are deciding on what doctor will perform your surgery be sure you have reviewed all of his or her credentials. It’s also advisable to talk with the doctors past patients and staff. If you have any friends or family that have had cosmetic surgery; talk with them about their doctor and how their procedure went. When deciding on a surgeon it is very important you verify that they are certified and properly accredited. There are many horror stories related to cosmetic surgery based on people not doing their due diligence on this important detail.
After choosing your doctor you may want to factor in the distance and travel time from your home to the hospital. This plays an important role after your surgery since you will need to visit with your surgeon for follow up care. Make sure you arrange for a friend or family member to pick you up after your procedure. You will most likely be unable to drive due to medication or other surgery related reasons. However, not all surgeries require you to have another person drive you home, but you probably will not feel like driving after the operation even if you feasibly could.
Most procedures are not covered under insurance policies unless your health is adversely affected and can only be corrected through a particular operation. Even then you must get a referral from a specialist who must provide in written detail why it’s imperative you have the procedure done. It is important to note that insurance companies are getting more lenient with their approvals on certain plastic surgeries; especially if the operation could lower the risk of you needing future medical care in the short and long term.
Taking care of yourself post and pre-op will play an important role on how well you heal after your cosmetic surgery. You must keep all bandages on and clean. Avoid over exerting yourself as you will likely be restricted in most normal everyday activities. In many cases swelling will be present and persistent as your body readjusts to its new look and feel.
Mentally you may feel fatigued or even disappointed, but these feelings resolve once the bandages have been removed and surgical areas have reduced in swelling. With cosmetic surgery you are changing your physical appearance so it will take getting use too. Some after post-op are still unsatisfied with the results and may need or want further procedures. Cosmetic surgery should be well thought through and you must be mentally ready for any adverse outcome. So take time deciding what will be right for you.

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