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Southern Caribbean Travel Guide

If you are planning a vacation to the Southern Caribbean anytime in the near future, Southern Caribbean travel guides are must have items. Located on the boarder of the Caribbean Sea, the Southern Caribbean consists of the nations that border the sea, including Colombia and Venezuela. Since the region is located so close to the earth's equator, the climate is very warm and tropical, helping to make the Southern Caribbean an extremely popular vacation destination, especially for those seeking warmth and beaches.

Seen from the Caribbean cost, the main portion of Venezuela will rise instantly, while the greenery will be sure to take your breath away. On one hand, everything may seem wild, but on the other hand seem controlled. From the arching bridge that spans Lake Maracaibo, to the world's highest uninterrupted cataract, the Rio Churun, a lot of Venezuela's interior is still a bit unsettled.

Back in 1533, the Spanish discovered a city that would eventually become known as the Queen of the Indies. However, even without this beautiful added attraction of its colonial heritage, Colombia's Cartagena is located ideally to make it an extremely attractive tourist destination and vacation spot.

Different Southern Caribbean travel guides can be purchased in paper publications, or they can also be viewed and printed from the world wide internet. The following paragraphs will discuss a few online websites that may contain the Southern Caribbean travel guides you are seeking.

Backpack Traveling in Latin America

This is a useful webpage that contains several Southern Caribbean travel guides based on the website owner's very own experiences. While some of these Southern Caribbean travel guides do not contain completely up to date information on Latin America travel, they will surely provide you with enough information to give you the basic knowledge of the places you may decide to visit during your Southern Caribbean vacation.

While this is a great website, and does contain several Southern Caribbean travel guides, it should only be used in conjunction with other paper publications, or other web pages. Some information this website does not cover includes great places to eat, as well as the most popular tourist attractions.

Poor But Happy Colombia Guide

A great place to find great Southern Caribbean travel guides is the website Poor But Happy. This webpage has message board forums that contain some wonderful discussions, as well as topics, on the most popular tourist destinations in the Southern Caribbean. The information on this webpage is provided by the people who actually work and live in the Caribbean. Popular topics on this website include:

* visas
* adoption
* great places to stay
* great places to eat
* and more!

These things alone make Poor But Happy a wonderful choice of South Caribbean travel guides.

While online sources can be great tools in locating great Southern Caribbean travel guides, they are most effective when used in conjunction with other sources. Paper publications and book are other great sources of Southern Caribbean travel guides. Books are best when researching historical aspects of the nation. By using all of th resources available to you, you are sure to find the best Southern Caribbean travel guides available.