The pain is generally felt in the lumbar and the sacral region and can also affect other areas. A sprain in the muscles or the ligaments constituting the lower portion of the spine can be the most common cause of backache. Some of the other problems that involve pain in the lower back are disc degeneration due to arthritis or ageing, spondylitis, infections and tumors.
In most of the cases the pain is localized in the lower back and vanishes after some time. However, it may even extend to the buttock or the leg on the affected side. In cases wherein the pain is persistent and increases with time or results in weakness in the foot or loss of bladder control- proper medical check up becomes essential.
In some cases stiffness or persistent pain around the spine can disturb your sleep resulting in further problems like tiredness. Such problems can be rectified by the used of pillows designed to maintain our body posture and thus ensure proper sleep. The use of the wrong type of mattresses can also affect the body posture and result in back pain.