The occurrence of tics throughout the day usually occur is spasms. These spasms occur nearly every day or intermittently throughout a span of more than one year. The syndrome will change in the quantity, frequency, type and location of the affecting tics.
Vocal tics can be subdivided into various categories, including:
- Repetition of words after reading them
- Spontaneous utterance of socially questionable words (Usually Racial and ethnic)
- Repetition of one's own previously spoken words
- Repetition of words spoken by someone else after being heard by the person with the disorder
Besides the vocal tics mentioned above, there are many other categories which don't always involved word repetition. Tourette Syndrome vocal tics don't even have to be words, they can be represented by almost any possible short vocal sound. The most common of these types of tics are sounds produced that resemble throat clearing, short coughs, grunts, or moans.
Motor tics can be a numberless variety of actions which can include:
- Contorted facial grimacing.
- Knuckles banging together
- Itching
- hand-clapping
- Scratching
Tourettes Syndrome is indicated when a person exhibits both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics over the period of 1 year, with no more than three months of consecutive living tic-free. These Tic disturbances can easily impair and or distress the individual from functioning normally. The diagnosis cannot be involved with substance abuse or another medical condition, and must be before the age of 18.