The main character in the Yugioh series is Yugi Moto. On the outside, Yugi Moto appears to be a shy and reserved student at Domino High School, but he leads a secret life of danger and excitement. He is a dedicated student of the Duel Monsters game, and a loyal friend to all.
Yugi Moto is an expert at playing games (“yugi”, in fact, means game in Japanese), especially the game of Duel Monsters. Yugi Moto carries the Millennium Puzzle around his neck, an ancient Egyptian artifact. Whenever Yugi Moto is playing a game, or is in deep concentration, the spirit that dwells within the Millennium Puzzle comes alive. The spirit takes form by an ancient 5,000-year old pharaoh.
When the pharaoh comes alive, Yugi Moto becomes Yami Yugi. Yami Yugi is Yugi Moto’s bold alter ego. Yami Yugi has magical powers and boundless energies, and is a fearless master duelist.
Joey Wheeler (Katsuya Jonouchi in the original Japanese version) is one of Yugi Moto’s best friends. Joey was once a tough street urchin with a wild past. His friendship with Yugi Moto transformed his life, and he no longer feels the need to fight all the time. Despite his sometimes rough exterior, Joey has a heart of gold. He is incredibly loyal to Yugi Moto, and his little sister.
Another of Yugi Moto’s closest friends is Tea Gardner. A friend since childhood, Tea is highly sensible and a consummate positive thinker. Whenever things seem uncertain, Tea’s voice prevails as a source of hope and encouragement. She never gives up, and always inspires her friends to do their best and fight to the end.
Tristan Taylor, along with Joey and Tea, rounds out Yugi Moto’s close circle of friends. Like Tea, Tristan is a long-time friend. He’s a bit excitable, and somewhat anxious. He tends to jump to conclusions and panics easily. But he’s also incredibly loyal and determined
Maximillion Pegasus is an acquaintance of Yugi Moto and his friends. Maximillion hails from a background of privilege, and he is very sophisticated and well mannered. As the creator of the Duel Monster’s game, he is also highly intelligent, even ingenious. He is also quite mysterious, and seems to harbor many dark secrets. Maximillion is missing his left eye. In its place is a magical totem known as the Millennium Eye. The Millennium Eye endows him with strange powers at moments of intense battle.
Mai Valentine is pretty, superficial, and one of the best duelists in the world of Duel Monsters. She’s an expert at charming herself to the top, and she has her eye on making a fortune through her dueling prowess. Though she is self-absorbed, she harbors the potential to cultivate the humility and respect it takes to become a true master duelist.