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Hayfever information for sufferers

In the last five years it has been reported that there has been a major increase in people suffering from allergies including hay fever in the UK.
In the last two years I have been suffering between the months of April – September with the symptoms of allergies which has resulted in discomfort within this period. With this discomfort in mind I decided to research why I was experiencing these symptoms on the internet and I wanted to share with all sufferers the information I found.
The most likely explanation for this has been documented as a combination of summer starting early and the increasing rates of pollution, pollution traps the pollen in the atmosphere which holds it there. The warmer weather has also been blamed, as it tricks plants into pollinating early. The recent water drought has also been part blamed also for the increase in pollen in the air causing suffering.
Hay fever is an allergy to pollens within the male reproductive parts of plants from grasses and trees. When they come into contact with the tissue inside the nose, they trigger an immune reaction that can cause congestion, sneezing, itching, and a runny nose. It can also be triggered by moulds, which are likely to be found in rainy or humid areas. Trees are reported as starting first then grasses and then weeds. Its timing also depends on location the further north, the later it comes. In the UK, trees start in February with grasses running through the summer and mould spores present until October.
I then was left with the options of trying to find suitable ways of eliminating or atleast reducing my symptoms. There are three types of treatment which include anti-histamine tablets, nasal steroid sprays and anti-allergy injections. Many anti-histamine tablets are available over the counter in chemists. They knock out the body's immune system, preventing the pollens from producing an uncomfortable response.
Unfortunately some anti-histamine tablets causes drowsiness which can have effects on the body which can be dangerous when operating machinery or driving a vehicle which require attention at all times. There are products which do not cause drowsiness but these are usually more expensive.
What I didn’t know is that a condition called rhinitis gives you the dripping nose in hay fever and also that the pollen season varies by plant. It has also been documented that some people have achieved relief from symptoms by using homeopathic remedies.
It has also been stated that consuming honey produced by bees in your local area or region can help with reducing symptoms. I am currently trialing various over the counter products to counter the effects.