1. A headache remove applying to a temple of a lemon crust its internal part. After a while under a crust the red itching stain and a headache is formed abates.
2. For headache treatment - 20 ã propolis plant 100 ml of spirit, accept on 40 drops with which impregnate bread and eat.
3. At headaches drink fresh juice the guelder rose of the usual.
4. Try to put at a headache to temples, a nape, a forehead, over nose bridge or to rub these places a garlic segment, cut bulb, carrots or radish.
5. At regular headaches drink juice of a fresh potato on 1/2 glasses.
6. Clover of the meadow. Apply infusion flowering - 1 item a spoon flowering to make a boiled water glass, to insist 30 minutes, to filter. To drink on 1/2 glasses 3 times a day.
7. At a headache in national medicine apply fresh berries of a strawberry field.
8. At a headache to a sick site put fresh leaves the lilac of usual.
9. At strong headaches accept on 1/4 glasses of fresh juice the black currant of 3 times in the day.
10. If you torment a migraine, headaches, irritability, etc. Immediately stop to use plastic hairbrushes! Some times in day brush the hair with bone or wooden combs. Plastic crests, as well as any synthetics (i.e. everything, that is connected with electrization hair)
11. The headache will pass or becomes much weaker if to nestle a forehead on a windowpane. It will neutralise the electrostatic charge accumulated on a skin and causing painful sensations.
12. It is possible as to bandage to a forehead and temples fresh cabbage sheet, preliminary having crumpled it that it has started up juice. With this juice to grease wrists of hands and deepening behind ears.
13. If the head is ill is frequently result of a deviation from norm of arterial pressure in blood. At increase of pressure the pain is localised in an occipital part of a head, and at its fall painful sensations are more often marked in lobno-temporal area. It is possible to get rid of such headache reception of traditional tablets - Analginum, Askofen - but the reason of occurrence of a pain will not be eliminated. Therefore it is better to take advantage of receptions of ancient Chinese wise men. The Vietnamese balm or a pepper plaster for this purpose is required.
14. Infusion valerians - 1 item a spoon of the crushed root to fill in with a glass of cold water, to insist 6-8 hours, to filter - accept on 1 item to a spoon 3 times a day.
15. Broth valerians - 1 item a spoon of the crushed root to fill in with a boiled water glass, to boil 15 minutes on a water bath, to insist 10 minutes, to filter - accept on 1 item to a spoon 3 times a day.
16. At headaches drink broth of grass the St. John's wort. 1 item a grass spoon to fill in with a boiled water glass, to boil 15 minutes, to filter. To drink on 1/4 glasses 3 times a day.
17. Hot infusion camomile is pharmaceutical (20) to fill in with 1 glass of boiled water. To drink on 1/3 glasses to meal for 20 minutes 3 times a day at a headache.
18. 40 ã colours camomile to fill in 100 ml of spirit or 1 glass of vodka. To insist 10-21 days. To accept on 30 drops of tincture at a headache.
19. From a headache helps to knock on a nose (nose bridge) the big phalanx of the big finger of 5-20 minutes. To have a rest and repeat. To do a minimum 2 times at an o'clock.
20. The daily use of nuts, raisin, cheese removes a headache.
Recipes alternative medicine.Natural remedies http://alternative-natural-remedies.blogspot.com/
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