A distance learning degree program is available at a number of schools throughout the country. Check with schools in your area to see if they offer such a program. Alternately, you may do an Internet search on distance learning degree programs which will result in several options for you to choose from.
A distance learning degree program provides a consistent education as a more traditional degree program. However, it allows the flexibility of using non traditional means to learn, enabling those who can not attend class to get a degree. These methods include online courses, televised courses, independent learning and assignments and testing. Each method enables the student to learn necessary information toward college credits resulting in a bachelor’s, master’s or even doctorate degree.
Many adults who have already been in the workforce for several years have already learned many of the basic skills needed for a degree. Relevant work experience plays a large part in many distance learning degree programs. Rather than forcing an adult who already has particular knowledge on a topic to sit through a class, testing is available. A person who can successfully demonstrate they have the knowledge can earn credits simply by the testing procedures. This method is more motivational to adults who have been in the workforce for several years and who may feel sitting through hours of classes in subjects they are familiar with is a waste of time.
This type of alternate learning has been around for several years in European countries but is a rather recent development in the United States. Colleges and universities are becoming aware of a section of the population who desire an advanced degree but no longer have the time to spend in a traditional classroom setting. Distance learning degree programs are not only beneficial to the student but to the schools and ultimately society.
Students benefit from a distance learning degree program by obtaining a higher education using a time schedule that is convenient for them. This will advance their career and expand their earning potential. Colleges and universities get additional students and funding from tuition without having to sacrifice class space or residency, keeping the student to teacher ratio high, yet still educating effectively. The more educated people we have, the more improvements we will have as a society. There are multiple benefits to ensuring a higher quality of life for people.
Distance learning degree programs, though relatively new, are an increasingly popular option for a large segment of the United States population. Working adults can continue their career without pause while also obtaining an advanced education. Adults who have families and time constraints can further their education at home without sacrificing their family responsibilities. It is a great way to earn a degree while maintaining all the responsibilities and commitments that are already at hand.
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