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Free Criminal Records And Background Checks – Secrets You Need To Know!

The employee is a vital part of a company’s business. In fact, one can even say that the employee makes a company for surely without him, the company can never be. Employees are the workforce that keeps a company going. They serve as the fuel that keeps business operations going like a well-oiled machine. For this reason, hiring individuals to become prospective employees of a company are serious matters of interest and one that can never be relegated as dismal.
Why Conduct Free Criminal Records and Background Checks?
That is an understandable question to ask. With the prices quoted by public records researchers these days, why indeed. However, if the hiring process is the key to keeping the business intact for a long time, then free criminal records and background checks are what make the hiring process thorough and exhaustive.
Free criminal records and background checks helps a company make better-informed decisions during the pre-employment screening. The information they provide are indispensable as they are the determinants of a person’s character. In a way, free criminal records and background checks are steps that a company can take to protect its own interest. There have been too many cases in the past wherein no background checks whatsoever was made on an individual and so when that individual was hired as an employee and then later on committed a crime in the context of his or her job, the company was held liable.
Negligence particularly on issues concerning negligent hiring, supervision, security, training, and retention can not only cause loss in productivity but at the extreme end, workplace violence as well that could very well cost the lives of other employees. And thus, it is the responsibility of the company as well as a right to protect its assets and interests, including its employees from incidents that may arise due to the lack of free criminal records and background checks.
State Requirement
Several states in the U.S. have laws requiring free criminal records and background checks during the pre-employment process. States, such as Florida, are especially particular about free criminal records and background checks on certain industries where “care” is provided as a service. Thus, any prospective employee or volunteer of a facility for the elderly, children, and people with disabilities are required by state statute and by federal law to undergo free criminal records and background checks.
Today, 29 states in the United States keep central repositories for the purpose of providing information to those conducting free criminal records and background checks. As of this time, there is no known “national” database of criminal history information and the most you could do to conduct a nationwide search is to visit each state repository individually. Fortunately, the Internet has made it possible for you to do this right on your computer screen.

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