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Propecia, A Path for Hair Growth

A hair loss from 20 -35 strands daily is normal and common occurrence. The problem rises when there is an excessive shedding, for this may result in complete baldness in no time. It is when thinning hair become obvious, most people become concerned about hair restoration process. And in anxiety or depression they begin experimenting with different products.
It is a fact that 90% of hair loss is due to genetic problem and the rest is due to some metabolic dysfunction that goes inside our body. But medical science has successfully proved that through proper medication one can not only stop hair loss but also regrew them to some extent.
One of the main reasons of hair loss is due to secretion of a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It shrinks the hair follicles and decreases the amount of hair on head. So when there is an increase in DHT secretion a human head begins loosing hair and once the DHT level in the scalp decreases, the cycle of hair loss stops and in many cases new growth of hair resumes.
This is what Propecia does, decreasing the amount of DHT from our scalp. The main ingredient in Propecia is Finasteride. It directly inhibits the formation of DHT and over a period of considerable amount of time, it reduces the level of DHT sufficiently, minimizing its effects on our hair follicles.
As with any drug, finasteride can also cause side effects to a minority of users. The FDA trials reported a 2% incidence of varying side effects but these tends to cease as the body gets adjusted to the drug after a period of time. Some of its side affects or symptoms are skin rash, or swelling of lips.
Propecia is available only on prescription. So the best thing to do is to consult your dermatologist before using it and do not share this drug with others.