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All About Traveling To Italy

When considering a trip to Europe, Italy is often one of the main places of interest. In particular, Rome is a really popular destination and it is packed full of history. So if you are looking to go on an interesting vacation which is packed with plenty of ancient ruins and places of interest then Rome is certainly a place which you should consider.

Why Choose Rome?

In Rome there are approximately 2.7 million people. Its climate is extremely hot and dry within the summer months but incredibly rainy in the winter. If you are thinking of traveling there you will need a passport but if you only intend to stay for around 90 days then you will not need a visa.

If you want to have the best possible vacation in Rome then it would be best not to go during peak times. Off peak times are between October-March and it is generally a lot quieter then and you can enjoy your trip a little bit more than you would in the summer months. It would be a good idea to book a hotel which is situated within the historic district of Rome and the Hotel de Russie is one which should certainly be considered. There you will get to see the Piazza del Popolo and the Spanish Steps too.

Generally it is a lot better to go by foot to most places in Rome. That way you do not miss anything and you will be able to go at your own pace. Due to the fact that there is plenty to see, it would be better if you made a list beforehand of where exactly you want to go. There will usually be a few things which you would really like to see and so if you see them first you will be able to see other things too in your own time. Without a plan of action you could end up missing out on some of the things which you wanted to see and so it is always better to be prepared. It may be a good idea to book a guided tour as these can easily be arranged at the hotel which you are staying in and they will help you to see things you would not necessarily see yourself.

No matter where you decide to go in Rome, there are some places which you should definitely opt to see. These include the Coliseum, the Foro Romano and the Pantheon. The coliseum is by far one of the most popular tourist attractions in the whole of Europe and you can choose to go around it on your own or take a tour with a guide. It is advisable to phone ahead to see what the opening times are during your stay as it does vary throughout the year.

Overall there is plenty to see and do in Rome and it is certainly one of the most popular tourist destinations within Europe.