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Men’s Health – Revitalized With Viagra.

Some times we fail to understand the problem of an impotent person. We think that sexual dysfunction may not be a problem for reproduction. There is hi tech method of in vitriol fertilization by which even an impotent man can be father of a child without actually performing all sexual activities.
But, in fact the method is not so easy. Long time treatment for both the male and the female is to be carried out and some times minor to semi major surgeries may be required for either of the male or female or both of them.
So cost of this treatment is enormous and beyond the reach of common man. Apart from this, the method may fail some times to produce results. As such doctors will not guarantee of fertilization before starting of the treatment. Imagine the cost of this long treatment and surgeries, if required!
More over your health insurance companies may not bear the cost of similar kind of treatment. Bearing the cost is next to impossible for a common person where there is a nexus between the doctors, Insurance companies and hospitals has made medical treatment to sky high and has become out of the capacity of common citizens. With horror, we have read that 25% of Americans have no health insurance coverage. Because maintaining the insurance is also a high cost affair and may be beyond the reach of great section of common citizens.
Ignoring medical insurance coverage is even more dangerous.
So your ever lasting desire to be father of a child from your wife may be out of reach of you, if you are impotent and can not bear the cost of artificial insemination.
However, it is fortunate that very few people may have to resort to this extreme step.
In general what we find around that a quite good number of people are impotent due to their Erectile Dysfunction (ED) condition. This problem can now easily be overcome - thanks to the discovery of oral medicines like Viagra or Cialis.
Actually these kinds of medicines have given Men’s Health a new life. This is particularly applicable for an impotent person suffering from ED condition. We have seen that Sexual Health, which is the greatest part of Men’s Health of the male population, disturbed by the condition of Erectile Dysfunction, has greatly improved with these kinds of medicines.
However, initially it was found that these kinds of PDE-5 type inhibitors had some side effects like stomach upset increase in heart rate etc. Soon superiority of these medicines was proved.
It was found that, after prolonged use, the side effects of the drugs have greatly reduced. It may be due to the reason that the people become habituated with these medicines and developed some kind of resistance to these symptoms or their body resistance prevented them from these side effects.
However there may be only one trouble some times may happen with the users, for which, FDA has issued warnings also. That is the problem of blurred vision, which some times lead to blindness also. But the manufacturers also defend that the problem might have occurred for other reasons also. It is not the time for taking final decisions in this regard. Studies are still going on.
In fact the good effects of Viagra prevailed over the side effects and thus the medicine conquered the world.
In conclusion we must say that the sexual health is the supreme concern for any one having a sex desire and ability. If it is disturbed by erectile dysfunction, solution is right at hand and there is nothing to worry. Because, Viagra is here to revitalize ultimately one’s sexual health which is generally a essential component of Men’s Health..

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