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Bunk Beds - Safety Checklist When Shopping

Buying a bunk bed should not be a “window shopping” type purchase. You must do your research before handing over your credit card number to the store. Be sure to shop many different stores both online and brick and mortar.
Just because Bunk Beds look great doesn’t mean that they will be safe and secure and built with quality materials and craftsmanship. After all, it is our children that will be sleeping and playing on them so you need to educate yourself on what to look for.
The first decision you need to make is what type of bed you want your children to have, a bunk, loft, triple, twin, wood or metal. Second is the safety of the bunk bed. After you have reached your bedding type then consider the following safety checklist when shopping:
• Find a dealer you can trust. – Make sure they stand behind their products and can answer any questions regarding the safety of the bed.
• Find out the weight limits on the bunk bed you want to purchase. Last thing you need is to get the bunk bed home and assembled to later find out that the bunk can’t handle the required weight.
• Find out if the bottom of the bed frames has enough room for a box spring mattress to go under the child’s mattress or if the beds have wooden supports for the mattress to sit on. Having a box spring mattress provides more comfort and support.
• Make sure that the bunk beds have plenty of room on the bottom bunk for the kids to sit on comfortably. This will also help keep the kids from always playing on the top bunk where it can be more dangerous.
• Look to see if the bunk beds have a safety sticker outlining the safety guidelines for the bed.
• Make sure the bunk bed is made of strong, quality materials. You can shake the bed to see if it is durable and stable. Ask or look to see if the bunk bed is made out of solid wood or if it is made using particle board. Particle board isn’t as strong as solid wood.
• Make sure the corners and edges on the bunk bed are smooth and rounded. Sharp or blunt edges can serve up many bumps and bruises.
• The ladder should be securely attached and be wide enough for your child to climb. The ladder should also not be removable by children. Also, make sure the rungs on the ladder are properly spaced; they should not have to take a large step up to step on the next rung.
• Make sure the bunk beds have guardrails all the way around the bed and cannot be removed by children. The guardrails should have to be removed by removing a fastener device or some type of combination pressure lifting.
Following these steps when shopping for bunk beds will help ensure your children’s safety when playing or sleeping in their new bunk bed. And it will also give you a “peace of mind” when making the purchase.

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