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Getting the best out of one night

Sex education may be widely accepted but one topic rarely discussed is erectile dysfunction also known as male impotence. This is basically the inability of a man to sustain or develop an erection. The most common known causes of male impotence are physiological and psychological. Physiologically, it is related to poor physical health, obesity, cardiovascular diseases and poor eating habits. Psychological impotence happens when a man fails to express his thoughts and feelings.
The earliest record known of erectile dysfunction can be traced back to Muslims in the medieval Islamic world. Folk cures have been in use for sometime but it was only in the 1920s and 1930s that a medical cure was advocated for impotence. This was initiated by Dr. John R. Brinkley through his radio programs which were aired in Kansas those days. In the 1970s, the use of penile implants made its way in the medical field as doctors started prescribing its use. The advance in erectile dysfunction medication came with phentolamine as demonstrated by the British psychologist Giles Brindley.
Sex is no longer a taboo. Yes, I know you know that but while it this is true in the United States, other nationalities have trouble discussing it. This is probably the reason why some people find it difficult to buy condoms and contraceptive pills in pharmacies, imagine how people would have the courage to buy Viagra – one of the most popular brand names of medication for male impotence. This is also the reason why more people opt to buy generic Viagra online.
It was also found that brand generic Viagra, when bought from a Viagra online pharmacy is a lot cheaper than those bought from the local pharmacy. However, those needing this medicine need to contact their doctors as it is sold in different dosages, and you might need to take the lower dosages if you are hypertensive. Each pill cost around $10 and was recorded to have sold more than $1 billion from 1999 to 2001. In 2007, Viagra’s share of the target market dropped to 50% due to the entry of Cialis, Levitra and other clones of the medicine.
The Cialis sample pack contains 20 mg tablets and are also called the “weekend pill”. Although it works the same way as Viagra, it is believed to have a longer half-life, thereby longer duration of the effect. It is also prescribed to people with pulmonary arterial hypertension as a once-daily therapy. At present, generic Cialis can be bought in a Cialis online pharmacy.
Why then the use of these drugs? Well, for one, erectile dysfunction is not just a man’s issue but it affects couples and relationships. Erectile dysfunction medicines are not aphrodisiacs; they do not want you to have sex. Instead, it makes your body equipped to have sex. This means that you need to be in the mood for it. This is where romance and love comes in.