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Some Litter May Aggravate Cat Respiratory Problems

Allergies are prevalent this time of year for more than just people. Even for the family cat that rarely goes outdoors, common household irritants can cause allergies, as well as aggravate severe respiratory problems such as feline asthma.
One common allergen could be hiding in the cat's litter box. Dust in traditional clumping litters can irritate a cat's respiratory tract, causing it to sneeze, wheeze and cough after using the litter box. For cats that have already been diagnosed with feline asthma, it's crucial to remove this potential irritant.
Feline asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease. According to the American Animal Hospital Association, "Cats get the same airway spasms or smooth muscle contractions that lead to acute constriction of breathing as people do. The aerosolized dust [of traditional cat litter] when breathed in can initiate symptoms in an already asthmatic cat."
As a result, an increasing number of consumers are turning to clay-free alternative litters, such as Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Litter.
Swheat Scoop is a unique clumping litter that's made from 100 percent naturally processed wheat. Because it does not contain clay, chemicals or fragrances and doesn't raise a cloud of dust when poured, it's good for cats that have sensitive respiratory systems.
This litter's natural wheat enzymes work continuously to eliminate, rather than mask, litter box odors and its wheat starches form firm clumps that can be easily flushed down the toilet without harming sewer or septic systems. All of these features make Swheat Scoop the natural choice for cat owners with concerns about their cat's respiratory health.
Swheat Scoop is available at Petco, PETsMART, Target, Whole Foods, Wild Oats, and other fine grocery, neighborhood pet and natural food stores.

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