In the English language a linguist may find a good word, that correspond best to the state of things that are described with fear nowadays. This word is corruption and the definitions of it vary. The first is the state of decay, decomposition of any live matter on the Earth. Politicians, economists and other representatives define it implantation of illegal ways into the solid system for personal gain. There are so many manifestations of corruption that it is rather difficult to group them. The main are bribery, embezzlement, extortion, nepotism and other ways to corrupt the generally accepted system. Bribery is a crime that involves the offer or acceptance of money or other valuable matters in order to influence or take in control the sequence of actions involving the person that is in public duty. Embezzlement is the falsified ownership of property without the former agreement with the owner. Extortion is a criminal offense, which involves extortion money by threatening the subject by harming him, his property or the range of his acquaintances. Nepotism involves the favor of relatives and other close individuals in public matters. These types of corruption are more or less present in any independent state, regardless their political regime and religious believes.
There are no existing ways to exclude corruption from the system. There are still public scientists working on special features of this social phenomenon. Common sense is most likely to betray when there is a possibility to become wealthier and more powerful. There are some actions taken to bring up good citizen, but nothing can go against human nature but the very soul and heart.
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