Gross Archive

Menopause Is A Transition

Women start undergoing inthirties and it may last into their fifties or sixties. Menopause is a natural biological process. Although its onset brings in hormonal upheavals, physical and emotional changes, it is far removed from end of youth or sexuality of women.
Menopause is the cessation of the monthly female menstrual cycle. Women who have not had a menstrual period for a year considered post menopausal. Women in late or early fifties experience menopause, women who have gone through menopause are no longer fertile. The journey to menopause begins for women long before cessation of their menstrual cycle.
It begins naturally when your ovaries start making less of estrogen and progesterone. During reproductive years these hormones regulate monthly cycle of ovulation and menstruation. For most women, hormone production begins to slow down when they reach their thirties and continues to diminish as they age. Since this process spans over decades pri-menopause precedes menopause. During pri-menopause you start experiencing symptoms through you are still ovulating. Hormonal levels rise, fall unevenly, you may experience any or all of these symptoms.
* Anxiety and fatigue
* Bloating headaches
* Heart palpitation
* Insomnia, irritability
* Reduced sex drive
* Mood swing, night sweats
* Urinary incontinence
* Weight gain, dry vagina.
Quite a list
By the time women reach menopause and stop menstruating altogether, acute problems linked with it are likely to disappear. However, women become increasingly vulnerable to serious health problems. Over the period, diminished supply of estrogen increases the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and vaginal atrophy. Osteoporosis is a common problem women experience post-menopause. Recent researches say soyabeans, chickpeas and other legumes contain phytoestrogens which help in tiding over menopausal symptoms.
Lifestyle changes :- Increase intake of dark green leafy vegetables, turmeric, fenugreek, bitter gourd and broccoli. Consume foods high in magnesium (nuts like almonds, walnuts), dairy products and bananas, exercise, eat well. Get 1500 mg of calcium and 400 to 800 IU of Vitamin D. Eat five-six small nutritious meals instead of three large ones, take Vitamin E. Quit smoking. Do pelvic floor exercise to strengthen urinary muscles. Experiment with acupuncture.
Avoid pungent sour and salt tastes. Refrain from alcohol, hot weather or spicy food. Help comes in from of Menopause Formula from GNC for women experiencing menopausal symptoms.

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