Obiaks Blog

Enjoy Your 2nd Trimester!

Congratulations! Your pregnancy now comes to the second trimester, which is within weeks 13 through 27. Your morning sickness has faded away gradually by now. This means, you should be feeling better than before.
It’s actually the stage when you experience the most enjoying moment with your pregnancy. You’ll feel energetic and full of vitality. You can do a lot more than when you were in the first three months.
However, this does not mean you can do anything you want. You still need to be cautious about what you do and avoid doing too many activities.
Check out the points below to guide you in going through this invigorating phase:
1. Control your appetite. Compared to the previous trimester, it’s improving now. Try not to overeat and watch out for getting overweight. Get balanced nutritious food instead of fast food.
2. Handle leg cramps by straightening and lifting up your legs for several minutes. If you get cramp, move your toes upward and hold for a few seconds.
3. Carry out ‘low impact’ exercise. Getting pregnant does not mean you do not need exercises. They are even needed at this time. Swimming, yoga, and walking are good exercises for pregnant women. Ask your hubby or friends to join you.
4. Perform Kegels to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Simply squeeze the muscles for a few seconds and let them relax just like when you stop and start urine flow. Do it several times a day as trained muscles can make labor easier.
5. Enjoy love-making with your husband. These months are the most comfortable time for both of you to do it.
Besides you’ll be enjoying this second trimester, another incredible thing is coming up. In the 22nd week of your pregnancy, the tiny little creature in the womb is about to make a little move. Wow! You won’t believe it’s true ‘til you feel it by yourself
Enjoy your pregnancy.