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Conquering the Effects of Aging

No one looks forward to wrinkles, low energy and other effects of aging on the body.
When searching for their "fountain of youth," the biggest mistake that people make is buying an anti-
aging cream and calling it a day. But the key to delaying the effects of aging is to change your lifestyle.
According to the National Institute on Aging, exercising regularly is the first step in fighting the effects of aging. Exercise helps you maintain healthy bones and joints, control weight, improve your mood and strengthen your muscles. Experts say that exercise also conditions the skin to make collagen, the support fibers that help keep wrinkles and lines under control.
The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion suggests eating a balanced diet that's low in saturated fats and contains at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Also, more doctors are stressing the importance of taking a supplement to reduce the signs and symptoms of aging.
For example, Revive, from the "Spray" line of sublingual sprays, was developed by doctors to help prevent or reduce sleeplessness, low energy, poor muscle/fat balance, poor skin elasticity and low libido. It is able to provide relief of these symptoms of aging by restoring the body's endocrine system functions, which are instrumental in regulating mood, tissue function and other internal activity.
Recent study results show that Revive starts to work immediately after use. According to Gwen Sconears, 70, of Gridley, Calif., the spray even helped her 45-year-old son, Randy Molanari, who suffers from a debilitating disease.
"My son has severe muscular dystrophy and has noticed significant improvement in his muscular pain and improvement in his energy level. After seeing my son's results with Revive, I began taking the product as well. Not only do I feel great with less back pain, people have told me that I look much younger," she said.