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What Is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Obesity is a condition that carries wit it not only the stigma of being called names, but also the risk of getting serious illnesses like high blood pressure, heart ailment and diabetes. More and more people are turning to fad diets and other means to lower their weight but to no avail.
Fortunately for people whose obesity cannot be treated with dieting, there is such a non-traditional way to lose pounds and discourage binging and this is called gastric bypass surgery.
Gastric bypass surgery may seem complicated to the common man but it is just a method of decreasing a part of the stomach and then creating an outlet from the stomach to the intestine so that the person will feel full even after a few bites. This procedure, which requires the patient to have a stay in the hospital after surgery, can only be used as an option for a person who is morbidly obese or whose body weight is equal or more than twice his ideal body weight.
Within 24 hours after gastric bypass surgery, your doctors will allow you to check out of the hospital if you can already move comfortably and if you can bear some pain even without pain injections. .A person who has undergone gastric bypass surgery will be placed on a liquid diet but may be allowed to eat a few solids after a few weeks.
Words of caution though for those who have undergone this procedure; always listen to your stomach and not your urge because even an extra bite can cause discomfort and even vomiting. It may be hard to adjust to eating smaller portions but you will finally be able to adjust to three small meals a day later on. The technique is in chewing your food properly and enjoying every bite you take.
Drinking water before and during meal time is also discouraged as it can cause discomfort. However, consuming at least five glasses of liquid such as water and other non-caloric drink is advisable between meals.
Those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery should maintain a simple but regular exercise program like walking. Simple housekeeping chores can also be a form of exercise that is not too strenuous.
Generally, a person who has undergone gastric bypass surgery can lose as much as two thirds of his surplus weight during the first year. There are people who do not lose significant weight even after surgery because of the continued consumption of liquids with high caloric content and also due to improper diet.
A person who resorts to gastric bypass surgery should be willing to face the consequences as well as the conditions involved in such a procedure. It may be an effective way of getting rid of the excess pounds but you have to strictly follow the dietary rules or else, the surgery will be for nothing.

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