So, what are the factors that lead to heart disease?
The most commonly recognized risk factors are:
1 Stress
2 Smoking
3 High levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
4 Low levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol)
5 High Blood-pressure.
6 Obesity
7 Diabetes
8 Destructive form of amino acid called homocysteine
9 Heredity
The heart is the most crucial organ to sustain life and to keep it ticking efficiently, our priority should be to prevent its deterioration. The simplest Mantra for prevention of heart disease is; eat well, exercise and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This has been said countless times before and the simple truth is that those who do follow through with the advice enjoy a much healthier and longer life.
NOTE: Always check with your physician first before changing or implementing any sort of a diet or exercise program especially if you're taking prescription or over the counter medicines.
Some factors to consider when adopting a healthier lifestyle include but not limited to: (also check with your physician)
1 Cut down on dietary fat and cholesterol
2 Check your blood pressure regularly
3 Don’t smoke (fortunately there are a lot of resources available for those wanting to quit).
4 Learn to meditate, this will lessen stress.
5 Exercise - Being sedentary is one of the biggest risk factors for heart attacks.
6 Control your weight - If you're obese
7 Control your diabetes
Symptoms of a heart attack
NOTE: These symptoms may or may not indicate a heart attack. In any case medical help should be sought immediately because some heart attacks are the ’silent type’.
The American Heart Association lists them as:
-Uncomfortable pressure, fullness or squeezing and excruciating pain in the chest.
-Pain spreading to shoulder, neck, and arms. Specifically left sided neck and arm pain.
-Light headedness, fainting.
-Shortness of breath with little exertion.
-Profuse sweating.
The first hour is very critical. So, don’t waste time thinking its gas or flatulence. Act immediately and call 911 don’t waste time calling your doctor, he’ll most likely ask you to call 911 anyway. Heart disease can be easily prevented it's just a matter of implementing a healthier lifestyle.