- Jog or run with a known companion.
- Jog or run in a familiar area.
- Do not jog or run in a heavily wooded, poorly lighted or secluded area, particularly if jogging or running alone.
- Don't wear radio or recorder earphones.
- Do not jog or run after dark.
- Do not jog or run near bushes, which can provide concealment.
- Wear bright colored clothing to improve your visibility.
- Vary your route and pattern of jogging or running.
- Carry pepper spray or high decibel battery powered personal alarm device when you jog or run.
- If followed, go to the nearest residence, open business or group of people.
- Carry your motor vehicle and/or home key with you.
Defense Against Dogs
Joggers or runners often encounter what either may be or appear to be an unfriendly dog. If such an encounter does occur, the following measures are encouraged:
- Stand very still and attempt to be calm.
Carry some canine repellent just incase you are approached by a attacking dog.
- Don't scream at the dog and run.
- Be aware of where the dog is. Look in its general direction, but don't stare into its eyes. This can be considered an aggressive challenge to a dog.
- Let the dog sniff you.
- In a low voice say, "No, Go Home"
- Back away slowly until it is out of sight.
- If a dog does attack, try to "Feed" it your workout jacket or other item of clothing.
- If you are knocked down or fall, position yourself into a ball and keep your hands over your ears and face.
- Try not to scream or roll around.
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