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What Are Muscle Building Steroids?

Steroids are artificial compounds linked chemically to the male sex hormone ‘Testosterone’ that is responsible for the maturation of male features falling out during puberty. Steroids were first developed in 1930 to help men who were incapable to produce sufficient testosterone in their bodies.
However, steroids are widely used by jocks that engaged in power sports such as power-lifting, muscle building, baseball, football, and rugby to boost their performance levels, and build up muscles. Anabolic steroids are often called muscle-building steroids, because the offer great results in muscle building.
The muscle building steroids cause the body to raise the tissue amount and to metabolize fat within the body. That’s why body-builders make use of muscle building steroids to their advantages. However, according to the 1988 federal law, the supply & use of muscle building steroids for non-remedial purpose is against the law. The muscle building steroids are restricted medications in the United States, Britain, Canada and many other parts of the world.

Today, the majority of athletes abuse steroids, which is completely erroneous and unlawful. The use of muscle building steroids for competitive purposes is legally banished. The muscle building steroids are available in form of tablets, capsules, gels and injections. There are lots of muscle building steroids available in the market. Some of the highly abused muscle building steroids include Dianabol, Winstrol, Testosterone, Danocrine, Anadur, Anavar, Andriol, AndroGel, Anadrol, Cheque Drops, Oxandrin, Winstrol, Deca-Durabolin, Durabolin, Equipoise, and Depo-testosterone.
There are many risks involved in using muscle building steroids. The muscle building steroids may have serious side effects and dangerous consequences. Some of the common side effects of muscle building steroids include dizziness, early hair loss, sleeping problems, vomiting, sadness, mood changes, pain in joints, hallucinations, mental illness, urinary problems, jaundice, stroke, heart disease, trembling, high blood pressure, and increased chance of injuring muscles and tendons. The muscle building steroids are also responsible for causing aggressiveness, gloominess, nervousness, and uncontrolled bouts of anger.