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Important Facts on Sensitive Skin Care

Skin care regimens, however, have different effects on each skin type. This means that skin care treatments and products work well in certain types of skin. Hence, it is really very important for a person to determine his skin type in order to know which products are best on his skin.
Among the five skin types, sensitive skin is probably the hardest type to maintain and handle, for it is more prone to burning, stinging, drying, itching, and other skin complications. People with sensitive skin type also experience adverse reactions with sudden climate changes, certain skin care products, and abrupt feelings of stress.
According to statistics, fair-skinned individuals are usually the ones who have sensitive skin, regardless of ethnic background. In addition to the common complications associated with sensitive skin are a couple of serious skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.
Sensitive skin care info
Although sensitive skin is the type that is more prone to skin complications, maintaining this skin type is not really that hard once a person learns how to simplify his or her daily skin care routines. It is not really advisable for one to maintain sensitive skin with so many products and treatments, for these will only result to serious irritations and blemishes. Over-washing sensitive skin is also a big no no. Since this type of skin easily reacts with environmental elements, sunscreen is a must in caring and maintaining the skin.
How to choose the best skin care product for sensitive skin
Today's market offers numerous skin care options for consumers to choose from. The dilemma, however, is how to find the one that best suits a sensitive skin type. Below is a quick guide on how to choose skin care products for sensitive skin:
1. Look for organic or natural skin care products instead of the conventional ones as these are the best aids for sensitive skin. Organic or natural skin care products do not contain dye or perfume ingredients that are harmful to the skin.
2. As for cleansing a sensitive skin, it is best if one makes use of a soap-free cleanser product. People with sensitive skin are also encouraged to use skin care products that contain ingredients like salicylic acid if acne still occurs.
3. Always look for a mild and alcohol-free astringent products for these are also perfect skin care aid for sensitive skin. However, if irritation or redness occurs, immediately discontinue use.

4. When using or applying make up, purchase cosmetic products or items that are non-comedogenic and water-based. Although these cosmetics are a bit more expensive, these are safer and milder on the skin, thus, preventing irritation and dryness.
5. As for moisturizers, those with sensitive skin should go for the products that are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic. Regularly maintaining the skin with moisturizers also prevents aging signs such as wrinkles and facial lines.