Obiaks Blog

Oil Paintings To Soothe The Soul

A close relative had to spend a couple of days in the hospital. Upon entering his hospital room to visit, I was surprised & delighted to find several striking pieces of artwork hanging on the walls.
This sparked my curiosity! I spent a great deal of time looking at the curative affects of art. I’ve discovered and learned that in order to help create a healthier environment for patients, hospitals work hard to make certain that patients rooms and waiting rooms are inviting. This helps to ensure their overall stay is peaceful. To help boost a patient’s morale, works of art are hung in their surroundings thus creating a warm home-like environment.
The simple act of hanging beautiful oil paintings on the wall may make a huge difference in a patient’s overall disposition. In addition, analysis of hospital statistics has confirmed that visual art & wall decor can reduce the use of pain-killing medicine throughout the hospital floor.
Art has always been associated with a positive effect on both health & wellbeing. Art can help fade levels of anxiety & depression in patients during the wait prior to surgery. Studies have shown that oil paintings and art have a beneficial impact on patients. For a small cost, hospitals can decorate their walls with oil paintings and bring some piece and quiet to their world.
Traditionally, oil paintings have been utilized in healthcare settings in 2 ways –
1. As decorative pieces to improve the environment
2. As therapeutic devices, especially for people with mental health problems
With that said, wall décor and great art reproductions in particular have been playing an increased role in people’s general wellbeing and day-to-day health.
As I walked passed the Monet reproductions on the wall, I wondered what affect these masterpieces can have on a person’s vigor… There are a slew of different ways in which art and health can go together:
The way art makes you feel, dares you to dream & gives you the will to get better, back on your feet & see the bright future leading a healthy life.
It appears the benefits of art are just starting to be understood. Our lives can benefit from art on every level. So get inspired and get better. Let art lead you on the road to recovery!