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Dating - How To Get Big Success On First Date?

I have read many questions from worried daters about how to get success. They do not think about getting success on the first date. Unfortunately they are worried so much about their success that they feel they would be happy if they manage to get success after many attempts. Why such negative thinking and such low goals? Let me tell you how you can get big success on your first date itself.
Dating and worry do not go together- please understand that worrying about the result of the date will spoil your success chances. Why get worried? You are only going to meet a person of opposite sex for some time. Whether the chemistry develops or not, what do you have to lose? Why worry so much-the sky is not going to fall.
Dating and confidence is a success mix- are you a failure in life? Are you a loser? Are you not intelligent? Are you not a deserving person? Are you not smart? If you are all that, why do not you feel confident when you date? Let your partner worry, why are you worried? You have to be won over and not vice-versa. Go for the date with confidence. Your confidence will help you handle every situation.
Dating requires open and honest communication - why act and think of dialogues that are not your own. Similarly why think about lying? Be honest and open about everything. Talk as if you are talking to a good friend. Confidence should ooze out of every word you speak.
Dating needs charisma- yes; charm or charisma makes a person very attractive. Show yourself as somebody very desirable. Your body language should be that of a charismatic person.
Dating can be success if you do not worry about it and show yourself as a very desirable person. For once, let the other party worry if he/she can win you over. You will get success right on your first date.