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Splitting Firewood Faster, Easier And Safer

Does your firewood rack need filled? You could, of course, split the logs by hand with a mallet and wedge. Isn’t the old saying true that cutting your own fire wood warms you twice? But, if you would rather be warmed by the wood burning rather than the work of cutting it, a log splitter is a tool that you definitely want to consider.
Log splitters are measured in ton capacity. The question of how many tons is a two-fold question. A professional grade splitter is at least twenty tons and those for personal, home use range from two to five tons. The ton size also determines the engine’s horsepower. Keep in mind that a stronger engine is needed to not burn out after hundreds of logs. The first thing to consider in determining the best size for you is whether it is for personal firewood consumption, furniture making, or commercial building or firewood sales.
Obviously, the main benefit of a log splitter is that it makes the job of splitting firewood so much easier and less time consuming. However, log splitters have more uses than just cutting firewood. For example, forestry suppliers use log splitters as the first step in making wood planking or preparing logs for paper making. This king of logging equipment can be used at the forest site to manage trees for transport and prepare wood for particular uses. Following log splitter plans, this step is an important step as it save time and money.
A hydraulic log splitter can not only stock you firewood rack, but it can also be used as valuable log furniture tool. There is quite a high demand for the rustic look for cabin and outdoor, nature décor.
Log splitters range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousands of dollars, even including used splitters. Thus, the next thing to consider is how valuable your time is. If you can manually split ten logs per hour and you earn fifty dollars per hour at your “day job,” you have hired yourself an extremely well paid log splitter. On the contrary, a hydraulic log splitter of approximately four tons can split ten times the number of logs per hour which results in much cheaper help.
Finally, the issue of safety must also be considered. Self-lubricating and maintaning capabilities of log splitters keep them operating as safely as possible. An axe needs regular sharpening since it becomes dull when it hits the dirt.
The three main things to consider are safety, time and convenience. They are all worth more than any attempt to warm yourself the old fashioned way by splitting the logs yourself. Even a homeowner who lights a fire in the fireplace for effect more than heat will benefit from the ability to quickly stock the firewood rack using a gas powered hydraulic log splitter.

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