Obiaks Blog

Understanding Laser Hair Removal: Part Two

How should you choose the location to perform your laser hair removal? Because it is such a costly investment and it is really something the outcome can not be predicted for, you really should invest the time in finding the right company to take your business to. The goal is to find the most experienced individual.
Some companies will try to lure you in with discounts. Others will make promises of complete, permanent hair loss. The goal here is not to look for these individuals and these rates. You need quality. If you have to go in several times, each time costing you several thousand dollars for your laser treatment, you are not saving any money in the long run. Instead, just visit an experienced individual and get a good treatment from the start.
Pre Screening
Once you do find a quality individual to take your laser needs to, you’ll need to be prescreened for the procedure. There are a few things that you can do to make sure that you get the best treatment in the long run. For example, do not suntan near the time of your treatment as this can make a large difference in the outcome. You can also benefit from not eating a large amount of foods that are rich in beta carotene such as carrots. These can change the pigment of your skin enough to cause the flow of laser energy to the hair follicle to be stopped. A couple of days before you have the treatment shave. But, make sure this is several days before so that your hair is still growing but not too short either.
What Happens
Once you get into the location, get your protective goggles in place and relax, the procedure will begin. All that happens is a laser is turned on, it passes through the skin to the hair follicle and destroys it. That’s the extent of it. The procedure is not painful and is not necessarily harmful. You may experience some side effects such as some reddening of the area, swelling or a burning sensation. Most of these are only temporary and will be gone within a few seconds.
Why Do It?
Why should you invest the time and the money in a procedure like this? First off, it is not an invasive procedure; there are no gross creams, cuts from razors or a lot of hard work involved. And, once the process is complete, that’s it. You won’t have to shave again tomorrow. And, while it may grow back, the hair will be lighter and harder to see if it does.
What you do have to overcome though is the fact that it may not work for everyone. And, it can be costly especially when there is a need for several treatments. You may need to see the technician for follow up treatments.
So, is laser hair removal the right choice for you? Can you afford to have the procedure done? Is your skin and hair color the right combination? Find an experienced technician to talk to and really find out if this could be the right way for you to stop having to worry about hair growth.