Remember, the garage is not a place that you know well. So, ask him. What does he want? Is there some sort of specific tool that he would love to have? And, what about that latest gadget that is out there, think he would like that? Ask him what he wants. If you really don’t want to come out and ask questions like that, then hint around and send grandpa in for the killing questions.
Still not good enough? It is safe to say that most tool lovers do appreciate tools that are useful. So, if you find that a new gadget or a new type of tool is available and you know he doesn’t have it yet, grab it. But remember, quality matters. So if you are giving a gift of tools, make sure to get the stuff that is going to last and can provide quality service to your loved one.
Now that you realize that he has a garage full of tools, think about giving that tool gift to someone else. Hey, maybe mom needs it to do all the projects that dad hasn’t gotten to! An excellent gift for the guy or lady that has all the tools they could possibly want or need is a gift certificate so that they can buy the replacement parts that they need, materials for the next project or an organizer for all of their vast collections of tools - thanks to you!