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Turn Your Blog Into Money

I started my on line business venture just over four months ago. During that time, I have realized that a good professional looking web site is only part of the story. You need to get traffic to it and part of that process is having a blog associated with your site. The beauty of the idea of a blog, is it doesn't cost you anything and can earn you a substantial income in it's own right.

Probably the easiest and cheapest way of starting an on line home business, is to simply get a Blog. You may already have one, but if not you can get one free from or Wordpress.

Did you know, that within your blog, you can advertise goods or services. Don't worry if you don't have goods or services to offer, you can register for an affiliate account with one of the many affiliate programs out there. By far the most popular is Clickbank. There is no charge to become an affiliate with clickbank and you can get commissions by advertising other peoples goods and services. When someone clicks on a link in your blog and makes a get paid.

Another way of making money with your blog, is by displaying google adverts on your pages. When someone clicks on an ad, you get paid! It's that simple. You need to register with Google Adsense to do this and again there is no cost to you. Caution though, before applying for an Adsense account, make sure you have your blog up and running as google will check before issuing you with a publisher account. The process can take few days before google advise you.

In addition to the above, you can search the Internet for other free affiliate programs to promote their goods and services.

Once you have your blog up and running with all your affiliate links in place, the only thing you need to worry about, is traffic, visitors to your blog. Without these, you may as well not have a blog at all. If you already have a blog, then you have a head start. But for those of you who will be starting from scratch, one of the first things you need to do apart from making posts in your blog, is submit your blog to search engines in order that they may index them for search results. So the more posts you have in your blog, the greater your chance of organic visitors. The more interesting your posts, the greater the chance your visitors will return.

Organic visitors, are visitors that come by your site as a result of searching the web. The more of these you get the better as they do not cost you anything. Unfortunately, it takes time to get your blog indexed with the search engines, so you can't expect to get visitors overnight. There is however, an option that you may wish to take to promote your blog in the early stages and that is to advertise it on the web.

There are several ways in which you can do this, but by far the most popular is through Google Adwords. Using Google Adwords is likely to be your first expense as you have to pay Google every time someone visits your blog as a direct result of clicking on one of your ads. It need not be a huge expense, you can start off with a low budget and set the maximum you wish to pay per click. The beauty of Adwords, is that you can also target your ads to any country you like. All this is explained in the Adwords set up pages.

Another method of getting Free visitors is by using companies like "Traffic Swarm". This is a very popular site which costs nothing to join but you can get a load of free visitors from it by placing free ads. I say free ads, but it does require some time element, in as much as you pay for your ads to appear by means of credits. You can either buy credits, or earn them simply by browsing their site. Every time you click on one of the ads in their site, you get awarded credits which you use to purchase your ads. Very clever.

There are more options for getting visitors to your blog, the majority of which you have to pay for, but I would not recommend that at this stage, as some of the visitors you pay for may not be targeted to your niche.

If you find yourself wondering what products or services to promote or you need advice, then I recommend that you join The Warrior Forum.. the help and advice you get from there is first class.

Now that you have your own on line Home Business up and running the only real cost to you will be the time it takes you to make the posts to your blog, which incidentally, I recommend you do daily. The more content you have, the sooner you will see organic visitors.

If you plan to pay to promote your blog or join other affiliate programs which cost you money, you MUST SET a BUDGET and STICK TO IT, otherwise the commissions you earn in the early stages will get eaten up.

We hope this information has helped you and should you decide to take this route, we wish you every success in your new venture.

Copyright © Graham Maddison-2008

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